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Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: Exercise and load modification versus corticosteroid injection versus ‘wait and see’ for persistent gluteus medius/minimus tendinopathy (the LEAP trial): a protocol for a randomised clinical trial

Inclusion criteria

 Lateral hip pain, worst over the greater trochanter, present for a minimum of 3 months

 Age 35–70 years

 Pain at an average intensity of ≥4 out of 10 on most days of the week.

 Tenderness on palpation of the greater trochanter

 Reproduction of pain on at least one of five diagnostic clinical tests (FABER test, Static muscle contraction in FABER position, FADER test, Adduction test, Static muscle contraction in Adduction position i.e. resisted abduction) or single leg stand

 Demonstrated tendon pathology on MRI (see Table 2 for criteria)

Exclusion Criteria

 Previous cortisone injection in the region of the lateral hip in the last 12 months

 Physiotherapy intervention or regular appropriate Pilates in the last 3 months

 Lumbar spine or lower limb surgery in the previous 6 months

 Any known advanced hip joint pathology where groin pain is the primary complaint and/or where groin pain is experienced at an average intensity of ≥2 on most days of the week, or Kellgren-Lawrence score of >2 (mild) on XRay.

 Where range of pure hip joint flexion is <90°

 Significant signs of lumbar pathology

 Known advanced knee pathology or restricted range of knee motion (must have minimum 90° flexion and full extension)

 Any systemic diseases affecting the muscular or nervous system, and uncontrolled diabetes

 Malignant tumour

 Systemic inflammatory disease

 Any factors that would preclude the participant from having an MRI (e.g. pacemaker, metal implants, pregnancy, claustrophobia)

 If the participant is involved in a legal/workcover/TAC or other injury claim

 If the participant is unable to commit to an 8 week exercise programme with twice weekly supervised sessions

 Fear of needles (trypanophobia)

 If the participant is unable to write, read or comprehend English