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Table 3 Cardiovascular risk according to Dutch, European and American guidelines

From: Cardiovascular risk management in patients with active Ankylosing Spondylitis: a detailed evaluation

Total number of patients

USA n = 130

EUR n = 130

DUTCH n = 130

DUTCH + 15 yr n = 231

High CV risk

29% (>7,5%)

22% (>5%)

7% (>20%)

26% (>20%)

Medium CV risk

13% (5–7,5%)

63% (1-5%)

12% (10-20%)

15% (10-20%)

Low CV risk

58% (<5,0%)

15% (<1%)

81% (<10%)

59% (<10%)

  1. USA = American; EUR = European; N; number of patients, CV; cardiovascular. Between brackets the cutoff values for high, intermediate and low risk of a vascular event for the appropriate cardiovascular risk management guidelines.