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Table 2 Mean values of the outcomes of pain, function and pain catastrophizing from bivariable analyses for individual SES represented by educational attainment level

From: Association between socioeconomic status and pain, function and pain catastrophizing at presentation for total knee arthroplasty

Dependent variable

Overall cohort

Less than college

Some college

College graduates



N = 313**

N = 53

N = 65

N = 195


Pain – mean (SD)

41.0 (18.2)

48.9 (20.1)

43.1 (20.3)

38.2 (16.3)


Functional status- mean (SD)

41.8 (17.1)

49.6 (17.1)

44.6 (16.5)

38.7 (16.6)


Pain catastrophizing- mean (SD)

12.0 (10.7)

17.6 (13.9)

14.3 (10.9)

9.8 (8.8)


  1. *P-values determined from ANOVA.
  2. **3 subjects were missing educational attainment data.