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Table 2 Comorbidity according to CIRS *

From: Comorbidity, limitations in activities and pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee


Mild or more severe comorbidity **

Moderate or more severe comorbidity ***

Morbidity count mean (sd) N = 288

4.32 (2.06)

2.60 (1.93)



Number of diseases n (%)


   ○ None

4 (1.4%)

45 (15.6%)

   ○ 1 or 2

55 (19.1%)

98 (34.1%)

   ○ 3–6

144 (50%)

121 (42%)

   ○ 6–9

79 (27.4%)

22 (7.6%)

   ○ ≥9

6 (2.1%)

2 (0.7%)

  1. * CIRS 10 (Muscle, bone and skin diseases) was excluded from the CIRS; ** number of diseases on which patients scored ≥ 1; *** number of diseases on which patients scored ≥ 2/none of the patients reported a score of 4 on the CIRS;
  2. CIRS: cumulative Illness Rating Scale; sd: standard deviation; N, n: number of patients.