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Table 1 Categories of treatment

From: Complex regional pain syndrome 1 – the Swiss cohort study

Pharmacological treatment:

   Topical medications: Topical anaesthetics, topical capsaicin

   Oral medications: Acetaminophen, NSAR, opioids, antidepressants, anticonvulsive medications

   Other medications: Corticosteroids, calcitonin, bisphosphonates, vitamin c, nifedipin

Interventional therapies:

   Sympathetic blockades, intravenous regional anaesthetic blocks, intravenous blocks, other blocks, neurolytic sympathetic blocks

Implanted therapies:

   Peripheral nerve stimulation, spinal cord stimulator

Functional restoration:

   Physical therapy, occupational therapy

Behavioural therapy:

   Cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy