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Table 4 Pain characteristics intensity scores according to the three pain severity groups, hip (n = 224) knee (n = 94), mean (SD)

From: Cutpoints for mild, moderate and severe pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee ready for joint replacement surgery


Patients with OA of the hip

Patients with OA of the knee

Pain characteristic

Mild pain 1 to 4

n = 50

Moderate pain > 4 to 6

n = 95

Severe pain 6 > to 10

n = 79


Mild pain 1 to 4

n = 16

Moderate pain > 4 to 7

n = 61

Severe pain 7 > to 10

n = 17


Pain duration (years)

5.0 (5.1)

7.3 (7.7)

6.2 (6.3)



11.0 (10.5)

8.6 (8.6)


Mobility problem (years)

3.2 (2.8)

3.5 (4.0)

4.6 (4.8)


4.8 (4.8)

7.1 (7.9)

8.5 (10.7)


Urgency for surgery (0–100)

60.6 (20.7)

67.4 (17.4)


< .001 a


70.7 (18.5)


.002 c

Pain Intensity Items from the Brief Pain Inventory


Pain now

2.3 (2.0)

4.8 (2.0)

6.8 (1.9)

< .001 b

2.4 (1.6)

5.5 (1.8)

7.3 (2.3)

< .001 b

Least Pain

1.5 (1.4)

3.1 (1.7)

4.9 (2.4)

< .001 b

1.8 (1.5)

3.6 (1.6)

6.1 (2.6)

< .001 b

  1. Statistically significant p values are emphasized with bold face.
  2. a mild < severe, moderate < severe
  3. b mild < moderate < severe
  4. c mild < moderate, mild < severe