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Table 3 Responsiveness Indices for the BCTQ Symptom Severity and Functional Status Scales

From: A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire


Responsiveness Indices (Measure of Clinical Change)


BCTQ Functional Status Score (FS)

BCTQ Severity of Symptoms Score (SS)

Assessment interval

Amadio et al, 1996

SRM = 1.26

SRM = 1.75

Before and 13.5 weeks post surgery (n = 22)

Atroshi et al, 1998

SRM = 0.94 (0.72–1.16)

ES = 0.94

SRM = 1.7 (1.4–2.0)

ES = 2.1

Before and 13.5 weeks post surgery (n = 102)

Gay et al, 2003

At 6 weeks after surgery SRM = 0.46; ES = 0.48

At 12 weeks after surgery SRM = 1.05; ES = 1.05

At 6 weeks after surgery SRM = 1.67; ES = 1.74

At 12 weeks after surgery SRM = 2.01; ES = 1.96

before, 6 and 12 weeks post surgery (n = 34)

Greenslade et al, 2004

SRM = 0.62

SRM = 1.07

before and 13.5 weeks post surgery (n = 57)

Katz et al, 1994

SRM = 0.96

ES = 0.86

SRM = 2.02

ES = 2.03

before and 13.5 weeks post surgery (n = 43)

Katz et al, 1996*

Male WC/WCNon ES = 0.65/ES = 0.76

Female WC/WCNon ES = 1.25/ES = 1.44

Male WC/WCNon ES = 1.43/ES = 1.33

Female WC/WCNon ES = 1.63/ES = 2.13

before and 27 weeks post surgery (n = 268)

Levine et al, 1993

SRM = 0.71†

greater satisfaction with the outcomes of surgery versus improvement of FS = 0.50 (p < 0.01)

SRM = 1.13†

greater satisfaction with the outcomes of surgery versus improvement of SS = 0.54 (p < 0.01)

before and 13.5 weeks after surgery (n = 26)

Mondelli et al, 2002

ES = 1.23§

ES = 2.33§

before and 27 weeks post surgery (n = 219)

  1. Legend:
  2. WC – Workers' compensation recipients
  3. WCNon – Workers' compensation Nonrecipients
  4. * ES were not reported in paper but have been calculated based on values given in tables
  5. † responsiveness reported as ES, however calculation given is SRM (mean change/S.D change)
  6. §responsiveness assessed as differences but ES calculated from values given in paper