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Table 2 Main categories regarding diagnostic aspects

From: Problems and needs for improving primary care of osteoarthritis patients: the views of patients, general practitioners and practice nurses

General Practitioners


Practice Nurses

Proceedings a (19) b:

Making an extensive anamnesisc (19)

Making an extensive examination (18)

Informing patients about cause and course of disease (17)

Referring patients to orthopeadic (8)

Referring to radiologist (6)


-diagnosing OA (12):

Poor correlation between x-rays and complaints (8)

Concomitant depression (5)

Others (3)

-regarding specialist (6)

Focusing on performing x-rays (5)

Missing information about performed examinations/recommendations (5)

Felt pressure to refer to specialist (3)

Satisfaction (20):

Satisfied with diagnostic proceedings (15)

Needs/problems regarding GPs (13 )

Missing information about diagnosis and its course/impact on individuals life (12)

Lacking time (2)

Needs/problems regarding specialists (15)

Lacking time (14)

Missing information about diagnosis and its course/impact on individuals life (8)

Focussing on performing examinations (5)

Recommendation of expensive treatments (4)

Involvement (20):

Current involvement in

- diagnostic proceedings (2)

- treatment (1)

No involvement in diagnostic proceedings (17)

Wish of being more involved (11)

No wish of being more involved (9)

Barriers against involvement (20)

Lacking knowledge about disease (13)/treatment (17)

Lacking time due to

- administrative overload (11)

- other reasons (3)

  1. a Words in italic are main categories; b number of participants referring to the respective category (multiple mentions possible)
  2. c subcategories (not all subcategories are displayed).