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Table 1 Patient eligibility criteria

From: A prospective multi-center cohort study of acute non-displaced fractures of the scaphoid: operative versus non-operative treatment [NCT00205985]

Inclusion criteria:

   • Patient agreed with and signed the "informed consent" form

   • Adult patients (≥ 18 years old) [Mature Skeleton]

   • Patients with isolated, acute (no more than 2 weeks between injury and treatment), non-displaced complete fracture of the mid third of the scaphoid, without any dislocation or comminution visible on the CT scan (long axial 1-mm cuts, high resolution)

Exclusion criteria:

   • Patients with acute fractures of both hands

   • Patients with one hand missing

   • All injuries other than isolated scaphoid fractures

   • Patients with radiological signs of carpal instability

   • Patients with signs of any rheumatoid, osteoarthritis or polyarthritis

   • Patients with previous skeletal or severe soft tissue trauma to the same wrist

   • History of drug or alcohol abuse

   • General or local conditions adversely affecting bone physiology

   • Patients unlikely to cooperate or attend all scheduled visits

   • Patients who have participated in any other device or drug clinical trial within the previous month

   • Patients with physical or mental incapacity, which makes it impossible to obtain informed consent

   • Patients with legal incompetence