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Table 2 Accuracy of PAIVMs for detecting lumbar segmental instability

From: Lumbar segmental instability: a criterion-related validity study of manual therapy assessment


Sensitivity (CI)

Specificity (CI)

LR+ (CI)

LR- (CI)

Rotation LSI

.33 (.12, .65)

.88 (.83, .92)

2.74 (1.01, 7.42)

.76 (.48, 1.21)

Translation LSI

.29 (.14, .50)

.89 (.83, .93)

2.52 (1.15, 5.53)

.81 (.61, 1.06)

  1. Notes: PAIVMs = central posteroanterior passive accessory intervertebral motion tests; LSI = lumbar segmental instability; CI = 95% confidence interval; LR+ = likelihood ratio for a positive test; LR- = likelihood ratio for a negative test; Accuracy was assessed by lumbar region (upper lumbar and lower lumbar), overall results are presented; Items in bold type are statistically significant at p < 0.05.