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Figure 3 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Figure 3

From: Testing the effectiveness of an innovative information package on practitioner reported behaviour and beliefs: The UK Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists Low back pain ManagemENT (COMPLeMENT) trial [ISRCTN77245761]

Figure 3

Questions and corresponding response options relating to a low back pain patient vignette The points of dichotomisation for each scale, based on expert consensus, are shown (with arrows). For each scale, the response option(s) to the right of each arrow were interpreted as consistent with guideline recommendations. The numbers above and between response options represent the frequency of expert opinion for the point of dichotomy relating to that scale. Lenient interpretations (L) are placed on the top row above response options, and strict interpretations (S) on the bottom row. The five-point scales are considered ordinal. However, two items of the scale related to Work will be combined (highlighted in bold italics) to form a four-point scale in this case.

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