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Table 7 Consequence in reduction of exemptions and intake-size when excluding subgroups of potential recruits from service, on basis of the two factors found to influence the rate of exemption from duty significantly (IQ-score and duration of prior LBP).

From: Low back pain in military recruits in relation to social background and previous low back pain. A cross-sectional and prospective observational survey


# exempted from duty

Total intake

Full sample

45 (100%)

664 (100%)


8 (18%)

187 (28%)

IQ-score=high or medium

29 (64%)

512 (77%)


34 (76%)

607 (91%)

IQ-score=high & LBP-days<30

6 (13%)

169 (25%)

IQ-score=high or medium & LBP-days<30

21 (47%)

467 (70%)