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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of women and men*

From: The association between iliocostal distance and the number of vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in women and men registered in the Canadian Database For Osteoporosis and Osteopenia (CANDOO)


Women n = 508

Men n = 41

Age-years (SD)

61.5 (11.3)

57.8 (12.4)

Height-cm (SD)

160.8 (9.6)

174.8 (18.3)

Weight-kg (SD)

67.8 (14.4)

86.2 (22.0)

Iliocostal distance-cm (SD)

4.2 (1.6)

4.6 (1.5)

Menopausal status-#post/#pre



Age at menopause-years (SD)

47.3 (6.8)


Lumbar spine BMD-g/cm2 (SD)

0.867 (0.165)

0.918 (0.165)

Femoral neck BMD-g/cm2 (SD)

0.664 (0.112)

0.713 (0.124)

Trochanter BMD-g/cm2 (SD)

0.608 (0.107)

0.676 (0.123)

Ward's triangle BMD-g/cm2 (SD)

0.483 (0.133)

0.471 (0.155)

Currently smoking-#



Family history of fracture-#



Alcohol-beverages/week (SD)

1.4 (3.0)

5.5 (8.7)

Number of falls – min to max



Calcium intake-mg/d (SD)

539.0 (435.9)

553.5 (375.4)

Exercise-minutes/week (SD)

166.7 (165.9)

187.9 (293.0)

Etidronate use-# (%)

50 (9.8)

3 (7.3)

Alendronate use-# (%)

41 (8.1)

7 (17.1)

Fluoride use-# (%)

2 (0.4)

0 (0.0)

Raloxifene use-# (%)

9 (1.8)

0 (0.0)

Hormone replacement use-# (%)

146 (28.7)

0 (0.0)

Corticosteroids use-# (%)

77 (15.2)

8 (19.5)

Calcium supplement use-# (%)

366 (72.0)

16 (39.0)

Vitamin D supplement use-# (%)

173 (34.1)

10 (24.4)

Lung diseasea-# (%)

59 (11.6)

3 (7.3)

Liver diseaseb-# (%)

13 (2.6)

2 (4.9)

Thyroid diseasec-# (%)

69 (13.6)

0 (0.0)

Cancerd-# (%)

14 (2.8)

0 (0.0)

Visual impairment-# (%)

51 (10.0)

2 (4.9)

Osteoporosis-# (%)

187 (36.8)

13 (31.7)

Inflammatory bowel disease-# (%)

15 (3.0)

5 (12.2)

Epilepsy-# (%)

7 (1.4)

2 (4.9)

Coronary disease-# (%)

12 (2.4)

1 (2.4)

Cerebrovascular disease-# (%)

19 (3.7)

1 (2.4)

Rheumatoid arthritis-# (%)

5 (1.0)

0 (0.0)

Diabetes-# (%)

18 (3.5)

0 (0.0)

Kidney failure-# (%)

24 (4.7)

0 (0.0)

  1. * BMD= bone mineral density; SD= standard deviation; # = number of patients; %=percent of patients; NA= not applicable. a Lung disease includes asthma, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases. b Liver disease includes cirrhosis, hepatitis and cholangitis. c Thyroid disease includes hyper, hypo, nodule, and other. d Cancer includes breast, ovaries, cervix, uterus and colon.