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Table 1 Summary of the internet-based PainCOACH content

From: Internet-mediated physiotherapy and pain coping skills training for people with persistent knee pain (IMPACT – knee pain): a randomised controlled trial protocol

Module number

Coping skill



Progressive relaxation

Teach Gate Control Theory (how thoughts, feelings, and actions affect and are affected by pain). Introduce and demonstrate progressive relaxation with animation; walk user through use of the technique and active practice; help user identify/address circumstances that might impede relaxation and chose strategies to overcome obstacles; plan regular practice times; set practice goal.



Review prior session content and practices; Introduce and demonstrate “mini-practices” (brief relaxation) with animation; walk user through use of the technique and active practice, gather/evaluate pre- and post- activity pain; help user identify/address circumstances that might impede relaxation and chose strategies to overcome obstacles; discuss benefits and reminders for practicing; plan regular practice times; set and review practice goals.


Activity/rest cycling

Review prior session content and practices; Introduce concept of activity/rest cycling; identify activities user tends to overdo; vicarious learning exercise demonstrate how to change overdone activities; create personal plan to fit daily routine and personal goals; review how other skills help with use of this one; plan regular practice times; set and review practice goals.


Pleasant activity scheduling and identify negative automatic thoughts

Review prior session content and practices; Introduce concept of pleasant activity scheduling; lead user through exercise for adding pleasant activities to their lives; mini-practice of 10-minute pleasant activity to be done immediately (gather/ evaluate pre- and post- activity pain); schedule 3 pleasant activities for week; problem-solve barriers with interactive vicarious learning exercise; Introduce concept of negative automatic thoughts; describe connections between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and pain; walk user through a thoughts exercise; plan regular practices; set and review practice goals.


Identify/change negative automatic thoughts and coping thoughts

Review prior session content and practices; Continue and advance prior session’s activities related to automatic thoughts and introduce coping thoughts. Practice identifying negative thoughts and accompanying emotional and physical reactions of virtual patients, then self; exercise to teach generation of alternative thoughts, then practice and record accompanying sensations. Focus on teaching generation of alternative thoughts, practice generating calming self-statements; practice skills and get feedback; identify and address circumstances that impede use of these skills and strategies to overcome obstacles; “mini-practices” for specific circumstances; plan regular practices; set and review practice goals.


Pleasant imagery and distraction techniques

Review prior session content and practices; Introduce pleasant imagery and auditory and focal point distraction techniques; complete exercises with audio instructions; plan regular practices; set and review practice goals.


Problem Solving

Review prior session content and practices;; Introduce concept of problem solving and describe steps; demonstrate problem solving with character stories; generate list of challenging situations; exercise to help users select skills for each situation, with personalized plan for overcoming barriers; plan regular practices; set and review practice goals.


Monitoring for maintenance

Review all session content; evaluate skill frequency, helpfulness and comparison to other users; exercises to develop plan for maintenance of skills; motivate further practice and skill development; remind how skills facilitate personal goals; review practice goals.


Booster sessions

Review module 8 as well as revisit any useful/meaningful sessions.