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Table 2 Comparison between OPG and RANKL expression in different groups ( x ¯ ± s, n = 5)

From: Influence of glucocorticoids on the osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells


OPG (ng/ml)

RANKL (pmol/l)


16.3092 ± 0.8425▲▲△

3.0708 ± 1.2391▲▲

Normal induction

23.8044 ± 1.7818

5.0082 ± 1.0355


14.1432 ± 2.6551▲▲△△

1.6027 ± 0.1123◆◆▲▲

GIOP induction

20.1376 ± 3.0025▲

2.0739 ± 0.2375◆◆▲▲

  1. ◆ P < 0.05, ◆◆ P < 0.01, vs. normal group; ▲ P < 0.05, ▲▲ P < 0.01, vs. normal induction group; △ P < 0.05, △△ P < 0.01, vs. GIOP induction group.