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Table 2 Description of the protocol of the Graded Activity Group

From: Efficacy of graded activity versus supervised exercises in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: protocol of a randomised controlled trial




Aerobic training on the treadmill

5-minute warm-up with speed of 5–8 km/h;


20-minute submaximal training at 70-80% maximum heart rate;

5-minute slow-down with gradual speed reduction.

Lower limbs strengthening

Exercise for the quadriceps in sitting position;

3 sets of 12 repetitions for each limb

Exercise for the hamstrings in standing position.

Intervals between series of 30 seconds

Trunk strengthening

Exercises for the erector spinae in ventral decubitus: trunk extension.

3 sets of 10 repetitions


Intervals between series of 30 seconds