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Table 1 Characteristics of case and control subjects

From: Reliability and validity of spinal coordination patterns during treadmill walking in persons with thoracic spine pain – a preliminary study


Case subjects mean (SD)

Control subjects mean (SD)

Age (years)

32.0 (11.8)

30.6 (9.0)

Height (cm)

168.9 (8.3)

169.0 (6.9)

Mass (kg)

62.9 (10.1)

63.0 (9.2)

BMI (kg/m 2 )

22.0 (2.5)

22.1 (2.9)

CWS (m/s)

1.45 (0.04)

1.38 (0.02)

Duration of TSP (months)

43.1 (35.3)


n (%)

n (%)

Gender Female

17 (90%)

17 (90%)


2 (10%)

2 (10%)

Presence of neck pain

8 (42%)

  1. CWS = comfortable walking speed.
  2. TSP = thoracic spine pain.