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Table 1 Descriptive data for the chronic WAD and control groups (six men and nine women in each group)

From: Muscle activity and head kinematics in unconstrained movements in subjects with chronic neck pain; cervical motor dysfunction or low exertion motor output?




Age (yrs)

40.1 (8.7)

38.7 (8.8)

Height (cm)

170.5 (8.5)

173.2 (7.6)

Weight (kg)

78.3 (13)

75.8 (13.9)

BMI (kg/m2)

26.9 (4.2)

25.1 (3.2)

Head mass (kg)

4.33 (0.34)

4.53 (0.30)

Hand grip strength, dominant (kg)

45.3 (11.4)

50.1 (12.6)

          non-dominant (kg)

41.8 (11.8)

47.3 (12.1)

SF-36, PCS (0–100)

33.4 (9.7)**

54.4 (5.0) (n = 14)

    MCS (0–100)

45.3 (15.0)*

55.2 (4.8) (n = 14)

Duration of symptoms (months)

22 (98)


Pain intensity, pre-test (1-10)

3.1 (1.4)


       post-test (1-10)

5.6 (2.0)#


NDI (0–50)

21.7 (5.6)


FABQ, W (0–42)

22.3 (10.2)


    PA (0–24)

10.5 (4.5)


  1. Results are average (SD). For the duration of symptoms the results are median (interquartile range). Statistically significant difference from the control group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.0005. Statistically significant difference from the pre-value within group; # p < 0.0005.
  2. Abbreviations; BMI body mass index, SF-36 short form-36, PCS physical component summary, MCS mental component summary, NDI neck disability index, FABQ fear avoidance beliefs questionnaire, W work, PA physical activity.