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Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of knees used to examine the association between Bone Marrow Lesion (BML) size and cartilage morphology (n = 38)

From: Quantification of bone marrow lesion volume and volume change using semi-automated segmentation: data from the osteoarthritis initiative

Descriptive Characteristic

Median (Min, Max)* or n (%)


25 (66%)

OAI Progression Subcohort

36 (95%)

Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis (Kellgren-Lawrence Grade ≥ 2)

38 (100%)

Age (years, mean ± standard deviation)

61 ± 8

Body Mass Index (kg/m2; mean ± standard deviation)

29.9 ± 5.3

Tibia BML Volume (baseline; mm3)

643.88 (17.97, 8120.29)

Femur BML Volume (baseline; mm3)

971.55 (21.79, 4205.43)

Tibia BML Volume Change (mm3)

86.22 (−5824.68, 3050.37)

Femur BML Volume Change (mm3)

164.41 (2268.4, 4634.04)

Tibia Cartilage Thickness Change (mm)

−0.10 (−0.54, 0.19)

Central Femur Cartilage Change (mm)

−0.18 (−0.96, 0.26)

Tibia Denuded Area Change (%)

3.9 (−9.4, 36.2)

Central Femur Denuded Area Change (%)

5.3 (−9.4, 36.2)

  1. * Median (Min, Max) reported instead of mean + standard deviation unless noted otherwise.