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Table 1 Sample’s demographic and clinical characteristics

From: Detecting insomnia in patients with low back pain: accuracy of four self-report sleep measures


Mean (SD)



43.91 (15.4)

Pain intensity*


4.11 (1.9)

Physical disability**


8.78 (5.3)



8.75 (9.9)



6.55 (8.4)



13.08 (9.8)



32.49 (12.3)

Pittsburgh questionnaire#

(0 – 21)

7.92 (3.8)

Insomnia index$

(0 – 28)

11.25 (6.4)

Epworth scale¥

(0 – 24)

7.26 (5.2)

Body mass index


25.73 (4.9)


N (%)

Pain duration


32 (41%)



47 (59%)

Roland item£


46 (58%)

Seeking care


58 (73%)

Taking pain medication


35 (44%)



40 (51%)

Level of education

(University degree)

35 (44%)

Smoking status


74 (94%)

Work status


48 (61%)



14 (18%)


Not working

4 (5%)



13 (16%)

Marital status

Married or defacto

39 (49%)



8 (10%)



32 (41%)

  1. *Brief Pain Inventory on 0–10 NRS, 0 = no pain, 10 = pain as bad as you can imagine. **Roland and Morris Disability Questionnaire: the higher score indicates more severe disability. ***Depression subscale of the DASS-21: 0 – 9 = no depression, 10 – 13 = mild depression, 14 – 20 = moderate depression, 21 – 27 = severe depression and over 28 = extremely severe depression. ≠Anxiety subscale of the DASS-21: 0 – 7 = no anxiety, 8 – 9 = mild anxiety, 10 - 14 = moderate anxiety, 15 – 19 = severe anxiety and more than 20 = extremely severe anxiety. ±Stress subscale of the DASS-21: 0 – 14 = normal level of stress, 15 – 18 = mild stress, 19 – 25 = moderate stress, 26 – 33 = severe stress and over 37 = extremely severe stress. †Fatigue Severity Scale: a total score of less than 36 suggests no fatigue, while a total score of 36 or more suggests fatigue and further evaluation by a physician is needed; #Pittsburgh sleep quality index: > 5 indicates poor sleep quality; $Insomnia severity index: > 14 indicates clinical insomnia; ¥Epworth sleepiness scale: > 10 indicates excessive day-time sleepiness.
  2. £ Roland item = I sleep less well because of my back.