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Table 1 Characteristics of the study participants (n=120)

From: Validation of an advanced practice physiotherapy model of care in an orthopaedic outpatient clinic


n (%)

Mean (SD)

Age (years)


54.1 (15.9)




65 (54)


55 (46)

Body mass index (kg/m2)


29.0 (6.1)

Living situation§



17 (14.5)



   High school and less

45 (37.5)

   College and university

75 (62.5)




76 (63.3)


10 (8.3)


34 (28.3)

Household income


   0 – 29 999$

45 (40.5)

   30 000 – 59 999$

23 (20.7)

   60 000$ +

43 (38.7)

Joint affected



11 (9)


109 (91)

Patient self reported reason for consult



65 (56)

   Lack of joint mobility or joint instability

6 (5)


5 (4)

   Knee problem

31 (27)

   Hip problem

4 (3)


5 (4)

Duration of symptoms (months)


59.0 (86.6)

Patients using walking aid

23 (19)


Number of co-morbidities per patient


0.78 (0.95)

Patients with imagining diagnostic test results at time of consult

109 (91)


Lower Extremity Functional Scale – LEFS score (%)


46.3 (19.1)

  1. SD= standard deviation.
  2. n= 119.
  3. §n= 117.
  4. n= 111.
  5. n= 106.
  6. n= 116.