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Figure 12 | BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Figure 12

From: Bilateral increase in expression and concentration of tachykinin in a unilateral rabbit muscle overuse model that leads to myositis

Figure 12

Tachykinin-like immunoreactivity in arteriolar walls. Serial sections of a gastrocnemius muscle specimen labelled with antibody sc-14104 (A) and for sc-14104 after preabsorption with tachykinin (SP) antigen (B). The specimen was from the 3w group and was from the non-exercised side. Note that there is strong immunoreactivity in the arteriolar walls in (A), but no reactions in (B) (large arrows point at arterioles). The immunoreactivity is mainly detectable in the smooth muscle layer. Note that there is also partially reaction in the endothelial layer (small arrow, A). Asterisks indicate similar muscle fibers. The reaction seen in the endothelial part of arteriole in (B) is unspecific reaction. Magnification x200.

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