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Table 2 Pre-specified list of exercises for the home exercise program

From: Addition of telephone coaching to a physiotherapist-delivered physical activity program in people with knee osteoarthritis: A randomised controlled trial protocol

Knee extensor strengthening: Every program must include at least three of the following knee extensor strengthening exercises.

Knee extension

Non weight-bearing

Seated knee extension (with resistance) with 5 second hold

Variation: Use appropriate level of resistance band – red through to black or ankle cuff weight


Non weight-bearing

Inner range quads over roll (with resistance) in supine with 5 second hold

Variation: Use appropriate level of ankle cuff weight

Straight Leg Raise

Non weight-bearing

Straight Leg Raise in supine (with resistance)

Variations: Add 5 second hold


Variation: Use appropriate level of ankle cuff weight


Non weight-bearing

Straight Leg Raise in standing with resistance band at ankle

Variation: 5 second hold

Resisted knee extension in standing


Resisted inner range knee extension in standing (resistance band around back of knee)

Variation: Increase weight taken on arthritis leg until standing on one leg to do the exercise

Partial Squats


Partial wall squats with weight distributed bilaterally (feet approximately 30cm out from wall)

Variations: 5 second hold, more weight on arthritis leg



Step-ups (affected leg on the step, control knee straightening, lower to start position by controlling knee bending)

Variations: step height, holding extra weight (in hands or backpack)



Forward touchdowns from a step (affected leg on the step, control knee bending to lightly tap floor in front with toes of non-affected leg, return to start by controlling knee straightening)

Variations: step height, holding extra weight (in hands or backpack), don’t touch down



Sit to stand from a standard height chair without using hands/arms

Variations: chair height, hover above the seat without touching down, more weight on arthritis leg

Forward-backwards exercise (with knee bend)


Sliding (slide non-affected side foot along the floor to the front and then to the back, bend and straighten affected knee with control and neutral alignment)



Stepping (step non-affected side foot to the front and then to the back, bend and straighten affected knee with control and neutral alignment)


Hip abductor strengthening: Every program must include at least one of the following hip abductor strengthening exercises.

Side-lying hip abduction

Non weight-bearing

Side-lying bent-leg hip abduction (clams) with resistance band around knees

Variation: Use appropriate level of resistance band – red through to black or ankle weight


Non weight-bearing

Side leg raise (hip abduction) with resistance

Variation: Use appropriate level of ankle cuff weight


Do not use if painful hip OA.

Standing hip abduction

Non weight-bearing

Standing side leg side raises with resistance band

Variation: Use appropriate level of resistance band – red through to black or ankle weight



Wall push standing on arthritis leg (non-affected leg bent at hip and knee, push thigh against a wall to activate hip abductor muscles)

Variation: Increase arthritis leg knee bend to 30°

Side stepping


Crab walk (side stepping) with resistance band around thighs or ankles


Hip abduction dips


Hip abductor dips (standing on affected leg, lower non-affected leg by frontal plane pelvic tilting)