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Table 3 Description of the Pain Coping Skills Training (PCST) Intervention

From: A physiotherapist-delivered integrated exercise and pain coping skills training intervention for individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a randomised controlled trial protocol

PCST session


Home practice dosage

Session 1: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

- Introduce gait control theory

2 PMR practices per day


- Provide rationale for pain coping skills training


- Train participant in PMR


Session 2: Mini-Practices

- Review PMR

10 or more mini-practices per day


-Train participants on mini-practices


Session 3: Activity-Rest Cycling

- Review PMR and mini-practices

Use technique twice per week


- Introduce activity-rest cycling


Session 4: Pleasant Activity Scheduling

- Describe how pleasant activity scheduling can be used to control and decrease pain

3 pleasant activities per week


- Set pleasant activity goals with participant


- Discuss how to use mini-practices and activity-rest cycling in achieving pleasant activity goals.


Session 5: Identifying Negative Thoughts, Thought Records

- Present cognitive model (ABC Model-how an event leads to automatic thoughts and result in certain consequences)

Record situations and thoughts daily


- Teach participant how to use thought records to monitor negative thoughts


Session 6: Challenging Negative Thoughts, Calming Self-Statements

- Work with participant to challenge negative thoughts

Practice developing alternative coping thoughts daily


- Develop calming self-statements


Session 7: Problem Solving I, Pleasant Imagery and Distraction Techniques I

- Training in problem solving

Problem solving activity: 1 per day


- Training in pleasant imagery


- Training in counting backwards

Pleasant imagery: 2 per day

Session 8: Distraction Techniques II, Review of Skills

- Train use of focal points and auditory stimulation as distraction methods

3 distraction techniques per week


- Review skills from previous weeks


Session 9: Problem Solving II (Applying Pain Coping Skills in Problem Situations)

- Identify problem situations

Record situations and thoughts daily


- Develop coping plans


Session 10: Coping Skills Maintenance, Early Warning Signs/Developing a Coping Plan

- Review principles of relapse prevention


- Identify early warning signs of reduced coping


- Develop coping plans to address lapses in coping

  1. All components of the PCST program are mandatory. Home practice from each session is carried forward into the remainder of the program.