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Table 1 The OA educational programme

From: Development of a brief multidisciplinary education programme for patients with osteoarthritis

"Aim of the day": All attending patients should get an opportunity to update and optimize their knowledge about osteoarthritis (OA)

13.00 H


Setting, norms and frames for the MEP

Self-awareness exercise to collect patient expectations and wishes

13.20 H

"Up to date" facts about OA

Education about the disease and disease processes, diagnosis, prevalence and causes. Overview of recommended treatments (Rheumatologist)

13.45 H

OA medication

Pharmacological and herbal treatments, effects, possible interaction effects, side effects and level of evidence (Pharmacist)

14.10 H

Tea break

Sharing experiences, reflections and discussion in the group

14.40 H

Living with OA

What can one do to control symptoms in daily life? Treatment options including effects of non-pharmacological, surgical and alternative treatments (e.g. exercise, weight reduction, orthoses, devices) and when the different treatments are needed. Overview on how to get in touch with persons and systems who can provide help with these issues when applicable (Occupational Therapist & Physical Therapist)

15.30 H


Move your body

15.45 H

OA Diet

The effect of different diets, supplements and weight reduction (Dietist)

16.10 - 16.30 H


Group questions for Rheumatologist, Pharmacist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Dietist

16.30 -

Outpatient clinic

All patients are seen individually by a rheumatologist and other health professionals dependent on identified needs.