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Table 1 Secondary outcome measures assessed at baseline, 1, 3 and 6 months, unless otherwise stated.

From: EXACT: EXercise or Advice after ankle fraCTure. Design of a randomised controlled trial


Description of assessment

Number of days to pain-free walking

Participants will be given a calendar to mark the first day they can walk pain-free for 10 meters to calculate the number of days elapsed from the day of randomisation to pain-free walking [5].

Number of days to return to full pre- fracture work

Participants who worked prior to fracture will be given a calendar to mark the first day they return to their pre-fracture work to calculate the number of days elapsed from the day of randomisation to return to full pre-fracture work.

Return to pre-fracture work and leisure

Self-reported percentage return to full pre-fracture work and leisure, where 0% is 'not participating at all' and 100% is 'returned to full level'.

Ankle dorsiflexion range of motion

Measured using the weight-bearing lunge method [23] at baseline and 1-month.


Pain on equal weight-bearing and on stair descent measured using a numerical rating scale (0 to 10), where 0 is 'no pain' and 10 is 'worst pain you ever had', at baseline and 1-month.

Walking speed

Unaided walking speed over a 10 m distance using a stop watch at baseline and 1-month.

Physical activity

Physical activity will be measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form [39]. This questionnaire will be used to classify participants into one of the three activity levels (low, moderate or high) and calculate the metabolic equivalent (MET) minutes per week.

Global perceived

Perceived effect of treatment will be measured on an 11-point scale from -5,

effect of treatment

'vastly worse', to +5, 'completely recovered' at 1, 3 and 6 months.