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Table 2 Outcomes and Instruments

From: Assessing a risk tailored intervention to prevent disabling low back pain - protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial

Sociodemographic data

Deck R, Röckelein E. DRV-Schriften 1999, 16: 84-102.

K.-H. Jöckel, B. Babitsch, et al. 1998, in: W. Ahrens et al. München: MMV Medizin Verlag. 7-38

Pain intensity, disability

Graded Chronic Pain Scale; Von Korff M, Ormel J, Keefe FJ, Dworkin SF. Pain 1992, 50: 133-49.

Functional capacity

FFbH -R; Kohlmann Th, Raspe H. Rehab 1996, 35: I-VIII.

Quality of life

SF 12; Gandek et al. J Clin Epidemiol. 1998, 51:1171-8

Use of medical services for LBP

Core set items of the German Back Pain Research Network


PHQ-D; Gräfe K, Zipfel S, Herzog W, Löwe B. Diagnostica 2004, 50(4):171-181.

Fear avoidance beliefs

FABQ; Pfingsten M, Kröner-Herwig B, Leibing E et al. European Journal of Pain 2000, 4: 259-266.

Physical activity, use of health promoting services

Wagner, P, Singer, R (2003). Sportwissenschaft 33 (4), 383-397.


FSS; Flor, H., Behle, D. B., und Birbaumer, N. (1993). Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 63-73.