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Table 2 Eligibility criteria for the distal radius fracture group

From: Does osteoporosis increase complication risk in surgical fracture treatment? A protocol combining new endpoints for two prospective multicentre open cohort studies

Inclusion criteria (distal radius)

   • Radiologically confirmed closed fracture (≤ 7 days) of the distal radius

   • Primary fracture treatment with a volar LCP 2.4 mm

   • Age > 50 and < 90 years

   • Willing and able to give written informed consent to participate in the study

   • Willing and able to participate in the study follow-ups according to the study protocol

   • Willing and able to comply with the postoperative management program

   • Able to understand and read country national language at an elementary level

Exclusion criteria (distal radius)

   • Ulna fracture (except an associated fracture of the ulnar styloid process)*

   • Open distal radius fracture

   • Concomitant contralateral radius fracture

   • Previous distal radius fracture on either side after the age of 25

   • Time to operation > 7 days

   • Polytrauma

   • Regular systemic therapy with corticosteroids due to chronic disease

   • Legal incompetence

   • Patient received radio- or chemotherapy prior to, during or within the last year

   • Currently diagnosed with active cancer

   • Recent history of substance abuse (i.e. recreational drugs, alcohol)

   • Prisoner

   • Currently involved in a pharmaceutical clinical study**

   • Has a disease process that would preclude accurate evaluation (e.g. neuromuscular or rheumatic disease, significant psychiatric or metabolic disorders)

  1. * a) simple fractures of the ulna neck, b) multi-fragmentary fractures of the ulna neck, c) fractures of the ulna head and d) fractures of the ulna proximal to the neck are excluded, while radio-ulna dislocation (fracture of the styloid process) may be included.
  2. ** Simultaneous participation in another orthopaedic/surgical study with the same or another fracture will be approved by the principal clinical investigator