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Table 1 Classification of gluteal muscle contracture

From: Classification of gluteal muscle contracture in children and outcome of different treatments

Category according to level

Level I


The extorsion of lower limb is mild, the abduction contracture is less than 15° with both hip and knee joint in 90° of flexion or adduction range is less than 20° with no flexion. Ober's sign and frog squatting sign is weakly positive. The limp gait is not apparent with lateral inclination of pelvis on anteroposterior radiograph being less than 10°

Level II


The extorsion of lower limb is moderate, the abduction contracture ranges from 15° to 60° with both hip and knee joint in 90° of flexion or adduction range is less than 10° with no flexion. Ober's sign and frog squatting sign is positive. The limp gait is apparent with lateral inclination of pelvis on anteroposterior radiograph being less than 20°

Level III


The extorsion of lower limb is severe, the abduction contracture is more than 60° with both hip and knee joint in 90° of flexion or adduction range is less than 0° with no flexion. Ober's sign and frog squatting sign is strongly positive. The limp gait is remarkably apparent with lateral inclination of pelvis on anteroposterior radiograph being more than 20°

Category according to type

Type MA

Gluteus maximus contraction type

Type MEI

Gluteus medius and minimus contraction type

Type AGM

Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus contraction type (All gluteal muscle contraction type)